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Public Address System

Public Address System

P.A (Public Address) system, or sound reinforcement system, is a collection of equipment designed to amplify voice and music so that they can be heard by a larger number of people. From the small speaker that makes the announcement at school to the several clock loads of equipment used by big touring acts, the principle main the same:

  • The Original sound travels to one or more microphones.
  • The Microphones convert the sound to electrical impulses and send it down another wire to a mixing console.
  • The Mixing console mixes all the signal together in a correct balance and sends this single ‘mixed’ signal down another wire to an amplifier.
  • The Amplifier converts the electrical signal into much larger ones and sends them down another wire to the speaker(s)
  • The Speaker convert the electrical into mechanical vibration, setting up sound waves.
  • The Audience hears these sound waves.

That’s it. That;s all the mistery there to a P.A system. In smaller set up a mixer and the amp are all in one the cabinet. Other system may have the amp in with the speaker. Nevertheless, the chain remain the same. No matter how lareg or small the P.A system, it will follow this same basic layout.

  • The Microphones plug in to leads which run to the mixing console each mic has its own channel.
  • Each channel often has basic tone control (more commonly known as the EQ section – more on this later). These are usually LOW and HIGH, which act pretty much like the ones on your home stereo, As well, each channel has a knob or slider which control the volume on that one channel only.
  • The mixer has a master volume control, again a knob slider, which mixes all the channel volume together and sends it out as one ‘mixed’ signal from the mixer’s main output.
  • This signal then runs down a lead to the input of an amplifier. This amplifier is a known as power amp, as it does not have a pre-amp section your mixer is supplying that function.
  • Speakers lead run from the output of the amplifier of the main speakers for example one each side the stage.